Join this event on September 27th to discover how scientists can get involved in science policy work – your opinion can help shape the future of pollution prevention.
Topic: Training and Development
Chem4Energy 2025
Chem4Energy 2025 will take place 7-11 April 2025 in Walvis Bay, Namibia. Join to discuss the latest developments in sustainable energy materials and processes, build new collaborations, and influence and support future directions in the field of sustainable energy research.
Century of Chemistry in India 2024
Century of Chemistry in India 2024 takes place on 6-7 November at Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai. Join delegates in celebrating the Indian Chemical Society’s Centennial Year!
3rd Commonwealth Chemistry Congress
The 3rd Commonwealth Chemistry Congress, taking place on 11-14 May 2025 in Stellenbosch, South Africa will highlight the role of Commonwealth chemists in addressing the UN SDGs while creating an enabling environment for early career chemists.
2024 Pan African Chemistry Network (PACN) Congress
Pan Africa Chemistry Network Congress 2024, 29-31 October 2024, University of Nairobi, Kenya: Celebrating 16 Years of The Network
Panel Discussion: Fostering collaboration within Commonwealth Chemistry through Research Networking
A free webinar covering tools, advice and guidance on research collaboration, networking and partnerships to foster diversity and tackle inequality in research
Virtual Conference on Chemistry and its Applications 2024 (VCCA-2024)
The Virtual Conference on Chemistry and its Applications is being held only by the University of Mauritius on 12-16 August 2024.
Supporting Research Community Training Grants from the ACU
Funding that equips researchers with essential skills to enable them to succeed in their careers, whether they remain in academia, or move into other professional fields.
The World Academy of Sciences – Research and Project Grants
Research and project grants that support researchers in developing countries through purchasing specialised equipment and consumables.
Newton International Fellowships
This scheme provides a funding opportunity for early-career researchers from the broad discipline of natural sciences which includes biological and research and chemistry.
Empowerment of Women Chemists in the Commonwealth Countries
A webinar covering publishing strategies, tools for establishing research collaborations and exploring entrepreneurship.
Wellcome Early-Career Awards
This scheme provides a funding opportunity for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity.
Mastering Grant Proposal Writing: Pathways to Successful Research Funding
This course is designed for researchers who would like to improve their skills in developing grant proposals to obtain research funding.
Second Commonwealth Chemistry Congress
The 2nd Commonwealth Chemistry Congress will highlight the role of Commonwealth chemists in overcoming the UN SDGs while creating an enabling environment for early career chemists.
A Sustainable Chemistry Workforce for a Sustainable Future
Hear about Commonwealth Chemistry’s research into early career chemists across the Commonwealth & watch a session on how to get scientific papers published
A Sustainable Chemistry Workforce for a Sustainable Future – Unlocking the potential of early career chemists across the Commonwealth
Commonwealth Chemistry’s report presents the findings of our survey of early career chemists across the Commonwealth.
A Sustainable Chemistry Workforce for a Sustainable Future
Unlocking the potential of early career chemists across the Commonwealth. Sustainable Chemistry Workforce report published by Commonwealth Chemistry.
Scientific writing and publishing for early-career researchers from the perspective of young chemists
This article written by early career chemists provides support and guidance in scientific writing and publishing to early career chemists.
Taking Chemistry to Market
Enhance your knowledge by hearing from an expert panel about their experiences turning their knowledge, skills and research in the chemical sciences into viable and exciting businesses around the world.
Careers Conversations
Careers Conversations hears chemists from across the Commonwealth talk about their career journeys. From academia to industry, consultants to work in government.
Research and Proposal Writing in the Sciences
Relevant for all chemists, this course covers writing a manuscript, including information on the review process and a grant proposal.
The Commonwealth iLibrary
The Commonwealth iLibrary offers wide-ranging research and knowledge to a variety of audiences, a key part of the organisation’s mission
Chemistry education online
This resource covers a variety of topics from online course design, to laboratory content and wellness to help chemistry education
CIC Talks Careers: Women’s History Month
CIC Talks Careers: Women’s History Month Edition to connect with some of the women inspiring the next generation of chemical sciences and chemical engineering professionals.
Gender Responsive Pedagogy in Higher Education
A webinar on developing sustainable gender responsive pedagogy within higher education institutions in low-resource or low-infrastructure environments
Data, Technology and Digitalisation Series: Digital Skills for Youth
The Commonwealth Secretariat is hosting a webinar in partnership with Microsoft about the skills young people need to be competitive employees, entrepreneurs and digital citizens.
First Commonwealth Chemistry Congress
The Congress programme includes panel discussions on the importance of the role of the Commonwealth in overcoming the SDGs and career pathways together with scientific sessions featuring high profile speakers across six key themes.
Identify your skills and market yourself to employers
Relevant to all chemical scientists, this webinar will equip you with valuable tips on how to market yourself effectively to employers
Remote teaching: A practical guide with tools, tips and techniques
This e-book provides advice and guidance on how to adapt to remote and virtual teaching of university courses, from communication to wellness
An introduction to critical thinking
This course is designed for researchers wanting to improve their critical thinking skills, regardless of the subject of their studies