Learning from experience to pave the way for more and better partnerships with a webinar organised by the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Supporting Research Community in partnership with the UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) and the Research Fairness Initiative (RFI) on the importance of fair research partnerships.
Topic: Human Health
First Commonwealth Chemistry Congress
The Congress programme includes panel discussions on the importance of the role of the Commonwealth in overcoming the SDGs and career pathways together with scientific sessions featuring high profile speakers across six key themes.
Introducing the First Commonwealth Chemistry Congress
The 2021 Commonwealth Chemistry Congress has a new virtual set-up and a programme to unite the chemical sciences community in addressing global challenges
Free access to Chemistry World
If you belong to a chemical society that is part of Commonwealth Chemistry, you will continue to receive unlimited access to Chemistry World in 2021
An easier, cheaper way to detect disease
The potential of nanotechnology in aiding biomedical research – developing nanosensors for bio application as a cheaper way to detect disease
Doubling the crop production rate in Barbados
The small island of Barbados is home to Nikolai Holder – biochemist, humanist and Spiderman fan, who work focuses on crop production rate in Barbados
IUPAC/CCCE – Virtual 2021
This conference brings is the Canadian Society for Chemistry’s (CSC) national conference that welcome chemists from the global chemistry community. This event brings together speakers who are leaders in their field to deliver talks covering a wide range of topics; Chemistry at the Frontiers, Chemistry for Energy, Chemistry for Health, Chemistry for Society and Chemistry for Sustainability.