Chemical pollution is a global issue that needs addressing. Poor chemicals management and ineffective waste treatment is taking a terrible toll on human health and the environment. It is a global problem but there is no truly effective independent global scientific advice mechanism into policymaking enabling coordination of efforts to mitigate and eliminate the harmful effects – both known and yet to be discovered – of poorly managed chemicals, waste and pollution.
The Commonwealth Chemistry Executive Board recognises that Chemical pollution is an urgent, critical issue for humanity, on equal footing with biodiversity loss and climate change.
As representatives of Commonwealth Chemistry, we think this is important to speak as one on this issue. Therefore the Commonwealth Chemistry Executive Board endorsed a statement created by the Royal Society of Chemistry at its meeting in November 2021. We encourage Commonwealth Chemistry members to use this statement within their own nations and in international dialogue as they wish.
More information about the activities of the Royal Society of Chemistry surrounding this statement are available on their website. Commonwealth Chemistry invites Society Members who wishes to also endorse this statement to contact the Royal Society of Chemistry.